Acupuncture is used, where appropriate, by some osteopaths and physiotherapists to help control pain, usually as an adjunct to another treatment such as manipulation, massage and exercises.
On diagnosis, your therapist will determine the best acupuncture points to use, and a number of needles may be used during each session. The session usually lasts 15 to 20 minutes. The needles are single use sterile needles and they are very fine.
Acupuncture is performed by trained health care professionals. Phil Sutton completed his BSc (hons) Osteopathy before his acupuncture training at postgraduate level, he has attended a variety of courses through the British Medical Acupunture Society (BMAS).
Practitioners are required to regularly update their clinical skills through a programme of continuing professional development and are bound by a strict professional and ethical code of practice.
Vale Osteopathic Clinic and Phil Sutton are both registered with Wychavon District Council to administer acupuncture. The needles used are single use, individually packaged and sterile. Used needles are disposed of in containers which are destroyed by incineration.
There are some conditions and situations where acupuncture may not be appropriate. This is why you will have a thorough verbal and physical assessment before treatment is discussed and agreed and in order to make sure it is safe and appropriate taking into consideration all other aspects of your general health.
This depends on your individual condition and will be agreed during your first consultation. When acupuncture is deemed appropriate a course of treatment will begin. Acupuncture is rarely offered as a treatment by itself.